Akitika GT-102 Amp and Preamp Review

Akitika GT-102 Amp and Preamp review

Lock-down in early 2021 was the perfect excuse to set about an ambitious construction project. My mentor in all things electronic, Vish, had recommenced the Akitika Amp and Preamp, and he was straight on the button. From the moment the two boxes arrived I was immersed in a journey of pleasurable discovery.

The assemblies were made easy due to comprehensive yet simple to follow instructions that could be lifted directly off the Internet. Following the documents word for word meant that on completion of each circuit board I was able to conduct tests to ensure that each sub unit was fully operational.

Within a few weeks of part time assembly, both Amp and Preamp took shape, producing an elegant stack with exceptional power. Completing the two units, I turned on the power to find that the assemblies were entirely functional and operating at full performance.

I would have no hesitation to recommend this duo with the addition of a pair of modern Quad speakers. I doubt that many hi-fi combinations deliver such superb quality with added functionality.

Dan at Customer Support customer-support@updatemydynaco.com was always on hand to offer practical advice.


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